Anne of Green Gables Done

Another successful SKIT Theatre production is a wrap and they are on to the next one. Again I was honored to be able to participate through my graphic design help. As usual I am very impressed with how this local group pulls off these teen plays and musicals. They always surprise me by how good they are.

Some of the items I designed. Photo of Anne taken by Meredith Mooney.

Some of the items I designed. Photo of Anne taken by Meredith Mooney.

My beautiful daughter earned a role in the cast and had a great time singing and dancing. I guess you can see which one is her by the large arrow (can you tell I'm proud?).


Anne of Green Gables

I've been very busy lately but I thought I'd take a minute or two to show a couple of pieces of a project I've been working on. Below is the main poster for the next SKIT Theatre production. I'm still waiting on the sponsors to be confirmed so I can add them to the bottom.


And here are some of the cast sporting the shirt I designed at the taping of a TV spot to air here locally. 


I'll post more on this as I get the other pieces completed.

Follow The Golden Road

This year my home church is basing the theme for it's summer Vacation Bible School on a very loose adaption of the Wizard of Oz. I had the privilege to design a logo for it.  I have said before and I'll say it again that I enjoy working on logos for kids because it's just really fun to me. Below is the finished logo.


I really hope there will be flying monkeys in the skits and that my son gets to play one.